Some Facts

  • India’s literacy rate is 77.70%. (Source: National Statistical Office India, 2021)
  • 99.09% of children in India between the age group of 6-14 years are enrolled in school. (Source: UNESCO)
  • There are 18.12 crore non-literate Adults in India (13.13% of India’s total population)
  • India houses highest number of adult non-literate in the world
  • India can become totally literate when its adult non-literacy is eradicated. i.e, becomes literate and only then the literacy rate will rise beyond 90%.

RILM's Adult Literacy Program (Education for all) aims to impart functional literacy to non-literate adults (15+ age) across India towards increasing national literacy rate beyond 90%.

RILM is using a two-fold methodology of achieving this goal:

Each One Teach One (EOTO)

Each One Teach Many (EOTM)

2. RILM along with Schools, Universities, Rotary Clubs, and NGOs, is collectively implementing the program incorporating the respective methods.

RILM invites all Indians, especially students of class VI and above to participate in this program. Together let us make India totally literate by ensuring that every adult in India is literate.


Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM) has set a goal of making 5 crore adult literate by the year 2027.This is in sync with the Nav Bharat Shiksha Karyakram of Government of India where the government has planned to make 5 crore adults literate by 2027. Government of India and RILM, together plan to make 10 crore adults literate by 2027.

New India Literacy Program

  • Government of India recently approved ‘New India Literacy Program,’ a new scheme of Adult Education for FYs 2022-27.
  • The term Adult Education is to be replaced with ‘Education For All
To know more:

New India Literacy Programme Click Here

National Educational Policy 2020: Click Here

Total Population of India

138 crore

Number of Adult non-literates in India

18.12 crore



States with literacy rate below 70%

Bihar 61.80%
Arunachal Pradesh 65.38%
Rajasthan 66.11%
Jharkhand 66.41%
Telengana 66.54%
Andhra Pradesh 67.02%
Jammu and Kashmir 67.16%
Uttar Pradesh 67.68%
Madhya Pradesh 69.32%

States with literacy rates below 80%

Chhattisgarh 70.28%
Assam 72.19%
Odisha 72.87%
Meghalaya 74.43%
Karnataka 75.36%
Haryana 75.55%
Punjab 75.84%
West Bengal 76.26%
Manipur 76.94%
Ladakh 77.20%
Gujarat 78.03%
Uttarakhand 78.82%
Nagaland 79.55%

States with literacy rate above 80%

Tamil Nadu 80.09%
Sikkim 81.42%
Maharashtra 82.34%
Himachal Pradesh 82.80%
Delhi 86.21%
Tripura 87.22%
Goa 88.70%
Mizoram 91.33%
Kerala 94.00%

Who is an adult nonliterate?

  • A person who is 15 years or above and is unable to perform the below mentioned criteria is to be considered an adult non-literate.
  • A person who cannot read aloud at a speed of 30 words per minute.
  • A person who cannot read aloud and understand road signs, posters and newspapers.
  • A person who cannot understand and copy 7 words per minute.
  • A person who cannot take dictation at the speed of 7 words per minute.
  • A person who cannot read and write numbers from 1 to 100.
  • A person who cannot perform simple calculations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division